You and Kaiser Permanente

We believe that a little prevention goes a long way. That's why we suggest getting familiar with Kaiser Permanente today, before you even need us.

Start right here, at You can visit doctor home pages to learn about each physician's approach to care. Then register online to choose a physician, make routine appointments, email your doctor's office, and much more.

While you're getting to know us, be sure to check out our preventive care recommendations to keep you and your family healthy all year round.

We take your patient rights seriously. We honor your right to privacy and believe in every person's right to considerate and respectful care.

Member and patient rights and responsibilities

At Kaiser Permanente, we believe maintaining good health is a very important part of your well-being. Providing the quality health care necessary to maintain your good health requires a partnership between you and your health care professionals. You need information to make appropriate decisions about your care and lifestyle choices. Your health care professionals need your involvement to ensure you receive appropriate and effective health care. Mutual respect and cooperation are essential to this partnership.It's important to know what you can expect and what we need from you when you receive care from us.

Kaiser Permanente does not unlawfully discriminate, exclude people, or treat them differently because of age, race, ethnic group identification, color, national origin, cultural background, ancestry, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, source of payment, genetic information, citizenship, primary language, or immigration status.

Reviewed by: CO Compliance, October 2021